[Grace-core] Putative Blog Posts

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Nov 4 12:25:33 PDT 2010

> By the by, I have so far gotten through the first three "Gracenotes".

I saw that, that's great.
Especailly as you mostly agree with what's there.

> My comments all have my name associated.  (Is there some easy way to  
> designate our comments in this environment so that they stick out?)   
> I've also fixed a bunch of typos.

good, I was writing those very jetlagged...

>  I'll try to get through the rest today.

that would be great, then hopefully we can start publishing

> As for the "top level" blocks.  Perhaps we can more accurately say  
> they are context-dependent since they are nested.

hmm, I guess so, although the language itself is context free (I hope)

>  Part of me wants to say they should be written something like " =>  
> {...}" if we want closures, but that just seems too damn ugly!

yep. And things then get weird if you leave out the => ( which I guess  
is the block invocation operator).
I think the current design is a nice (local) optimum, but it may be  
controversial - so that's why I think
we should get this post our first, to see how tolerable it all is...


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