[Grace-core] Version 2 of letter

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Mon Oct 25 20:57:17 PDT 2010

Looks good to me, please send it.

I've been working on some graceful programs for collection classes.  I'll post them soon.

I also have a student who seems very interested in working on the project.  We should probably think about seeing if we can get some funding to at least support a student or two.


On Oct 25, 2010, at 4:09 PM, James Noble wrote:

> Hi Kim
> Andrew and I worked on this during the duller talks
> at SoftVis. What do you think? Shall we send this out?
> James
> Subject: Progress on Grace (New OO language)
> Dear Supporters
> This is a brief update on our progress on the new OO language
> project to date, an outline of our plans for the near future, and a
> suggestion of some ways in which you could become more directly involved.
> In the four months since ECOOP, we (Kim Bruce, Andrew Black and James
> Noble) have made some progress on the language design. We have refined
> the principles from the manifesto, and identified a target user model
> for the language. We are working towards a "strawman" language design,
> which we hope will be ready for your critique by the end of the year.
> We have chosen a name for the language: Grace.
> Last week, we formally announced the project to the wider OOPL
> community with two panels at OOPSLA/SPLASH - one at the educators'
> symposium and one at the main conference, the later also including
> Alex Buckley and Jens Palsberg as discussants who were not part of the
> language effort.  We've attached the slides we presented at the
> panel. The panel was covered in the CACM blog:
> http://cacm.acm.org/blogs/blog-cacm/100389-grace-a-manifesto-for-a-new-educational-object-oriented-programming-language/fulltext
> and also reported by other bloggers.  While it is still early, we feel
> that the panels were generally well received, and several new people
> have indicated they support the effort - and perhaps that they will be
> able to contribute substantially in the new year.
> As part of ensuring that the language design work is as open as
> possible, we have established a rudimentary web-site and blog for the
> project, at http://gracelang.org. We plan to try to write short
> articles at least weekly to provide evidence of ongoing progress in
> the project.  We have also established a mailing list,
> grace-interest at cs.pdx.edu, for supporters and others interested in the
> project.  If you would like to join this list, you can register here:
> https://mailhost.cecs.pdx.edu/mailman/listinfo/grace-interest
> To support detailed design work, we have a second (higher traffic)
> email list: "grace-core" for the core language designers, along with a
> wiki and svn repository. If you would really like to follow our
> emerging work-in-progress very closely, then email black at cs.pdx.edu
> including a username/password pair generated by "htpasswd -n
> <username of your choice>" and we can grant you access.
> If you would like posting rights on the blog, you will need to send
> black at cs.pdx.edu a username and cleartext password.
> This brings us to the first place where we really need immediate help:
> managing the public "face" of the project, including the blog.  If you
> would like to help with this, please let us know.
> Finally, we are starting to plan some Graceful meetings for next year.
> Since we expect to have a strawman specification soon, there should be
> lots to talk about!  We would like to start planning these meetings
> now, so here are some possibilities:
> * UK/Europe late February - around the time of the ECOOP PC meeting
> * West Coast US late May/early June - meeting aligned with PLDI
> * Lancaster late July - before or after ECOOP
> * Portland late October - before or after OOPSLA
> If you would like to participate in (or help us organize!) such a
> meeting, please let us know.  Please also tell us if there is anything
> else that you think should be happening, and how you would like to
> help.
> cheers
> Kim, Andrew & James
> _______________________________________________
> Grace-core mailing list
> Grace-core at cecs.pdx.edu
> https://mailhost.cecs.pdx.edu/mailman/listinfo/grace-core

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