[Grace-core] student worker

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Fri Oct 29 13:04:59 PDT 2010

I have a student who is quite anxious to work on Grace and has free time this semester (probably more than he will have next semester).  He is a junior who is now in my programming languages course and will likely take compilers next term.  I'd like to start giving him things to do.  I could imagine having him do several different kinds of things.  Possibilities include:
1.  Writing sample code
2.  Starting the design of a context free grammar for the language.
3.  Writing a parser and/or type checker
4.  Investigating different ways of expressing features (e.g., bounded polymorphism, constructors, types annotations in a dynamically typed language, etc.).

What do you think?  I know it would be easier if he could wait a semester, but he wants to start now and likely won't have as much time next term (and likely won't be available in the summer).  I'm also tempted to give him access to our trak wiki.

What do you think?


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