[Grace-core] Minigrace in the browser

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Sat Jul 2 23:30:20 PDT 2011

> Similarly, I don't see us having a "typed language" and an "untyped language".  There is _one_ language; however, the more type declarations you put in your program, the more checks you get to benefit from.

yes indeed!

> Ours are currently all ".grace".  Does it really need to be standardized?  

yes it will!     I suppose we could have no extension, but I think 
we need to decide, and we don't want multiple conventions.

Going through the Big Lists at  http://filext.com/alphalist.php?extstart=%5EG
it seems .grace is fine.  If we want a 3-letter code (why?)  then .grc has no collisions
(unlike .g, .gc, or .gra) 


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