[Grace-core] Grace Workshop in Lancaster, Saturday 30 July (& BOF earlier??)

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Tue Jul 19 16:11:40 PDT 2011

Dear Grace Supporters

The next Grace workshop will happen next week - on Saturday 30th July, after ECOOP in Lancaster.

These workshops are to report progress on the design, to discuss challenges, and hopefully to involve others in the project.  At this workshop, we also hope to show some very early prototypes that we are building to test the specification.

So, if you’re interested, and are able to come to this workshop, please let us know by emailing James, kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz, so we have
some idea who’s coming.

If you can't stick around for Saturday, but will be at ECOOP, we are also considering setting up a BOF group for Grace.  If there is interest then perhaps we can meet sometime Tuesday evening after the workshops (time to be arranged), please e-mail us and let us know and we will try to arrange something as we hope for a lot of feedback to our design.

The final workshop for the year will be held in Portland, in association with the SPLASH/OOPSLA conference, probably the weekend before SPLASH or the Monday evening before SPLASH.

We hope some - many! - of you will be able to come to one or both of these workshops. 


Kim & James & Andrew

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