[Grace-core] Fwd: Minutes of Teleconference 2011.07.19-20

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Jul 20 01:00:08 PDT 2011

* change "const :="  to "def ="

(sorry Michael K - we'd like to try it the other way!)
This will no longer be subject to change until ECOOP 2012!

* Restrictions on extends (so far):

	(1) The object being extended is fixed once-and-for-all at extension time (creation of the sub-object).
	(2) The "whole type" of the object being extended must be manifest.

We were just having a discussion of what "whole type" (2) would mean.  Clearly, a class.new expression would qualify.  So would a factory.makeOne expression  for any programmer-defined factory where makeOne is a method whose body is a manifest object constructor, or (transitively), a manifest object constructor that extends another object.    We can add more clauses to this definition if we need to, but my experience with Emerald leads me to believe that these two are enough for all the programs that programmers are likely to want to write.

So: the "whole type" of an object is the object's _exact type_ including all hidden/private methods

* Things to think about: where can the "extends" keyword go?

* Things to think about: class and/vs types
 * Andrew & Kim - classes should *not* subtend types --- James will write a blog post about this

next meeting: Tue 9th August 1400 Pacific.


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