[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 20-21.6.12
James Noble
kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Jun 20 16:21:15 PDT 2012
Updated on various projects
* Smita getting errors on Java backend
* Richard is doing Racket backend
* Amy is converting Kim's Scala data structures to Grace
* Michael is doing primitive arrays
* Jan is doing type checking!
Brief report on ECOOP tute
* Jeremy Siek interested in helping with gradualism
* Maria Jump interesting in teaching
* James had ideas about next talks - splitting "basic" tutorial from "meta" content
* IRC channel? - Jan is worrying about it skype/ichat/IRC
* Arrays - we need arrays
* Mirrors - Smita will imagine mirrors
* Modules
- Andrew's encapsulation paper?
- Object-Capability model?
* Annotations / Encapsulation
- user defined and language level annotations should be treated the same
- "confidential" == "not public" / "private" / "final" (no inheritance from classes) / "overrides"
- leading underscores? for java private?
- what's the underlying model?
- DONE: \Michael - arrays - PrimitiveArray.new(n) now implemented, zero indexed,
syntax a.at(i), a.at(i) put(v), a[i], a[i]:= v -- no types for now
- Jan - IRC channel name should be gracelang; twitter tag should be #gracelang
- Bug database (github?) - vic persons
- James to find stuff on modules an and send it out
- James to find stuff on annotations and send it out
- Andrew to mail Onward current draft to grace-interest
- James to blog about it
* Onward! paper
- due 5 August
- Kim's away from the 1st
Next meeting -
- tentatively 13:30 pacific, 16:30 florida (8:30 NZ)
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