[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 3-4.5.12

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu May 3 20:29:00 PDT 2012

MIchael discussed recent changes to minigrace
 - pattern matching, etc

* we should think about renaming the "extract" method

* we probably want some kind of tuple to make this type check

* equality - should have a default "egal" method (where?  do we have default methods? what's the procotol for all objects?)
   - == defined by default in terms of egal
   - should have a similar default called "hash"  (not hashcode)

* should have some mechanism (annotations) 
    to warn if only one of ==/hash is overridden

 *** need to fix tar ball for Lion

Tim introduced  the Java/backend
 * longer discussions about interoperability with Java libraries
 * can we do something 
     - with Kim's library?
     - with Processing?

longer term:

 * need a mingrace mailing list for implementors & users

* need unwind protection (try/finally)

 * (at some point) we will need a *Unit test case library, like JUnit, CUnit etc. 
     - while JUnit is very reflexive & based on annotations, CUnit is not

 * Machine Learning to give good error messages / advice!

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