[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 10-11.5.2012

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu May 10 16:03:59 PDT 2012

* talked minigrace implementations
 - andrew & kim would like to use minigrace
 - kim needs somewhere he can points his students to on monday

things that would be useful:
 - minigrace release notes (comparing with spec, what's; implemented, what's not)
    how to run the compiler etc.
 - --help on minigrace to s how the flags?
 - git read access at least 
 - some documentation (perhaps as a page on the blog)

 - Kim is happy to wrap things by hand
    - would like graphics, java threads 
   - but he needs to know how to write those wrappers

NSF education grant:
- Kim & Andrew's grant is due 28 may: 
 - could we say we have Grace/Processing going in time to mention it?

longer-term plans
 - Kim could teach Grace to high-school kids "next summer"  June-July 2013
 - Andrew could teach Grace as a summer optional course "next summer" June-July 2013

next meeting, same time next week 

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