[Grace-core] Web implementation status of Grace?

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Sun Jan 5 12:45:56 PST 2014

> Can someone tell me whether I should be able to anticipate running objectdraw on Michael's web implementation in the near future or whether I should just stick with Jameson's implementation?

for now - I think stick with what you've got (Jameson)

BUT we have a couple of summer students (Alex & David) 
who are working now  on a straightforward graphics API
that should work across both the C and JS backends - 
and can hopefully is a good basis for to any others in future. 

as part of doing the API, Craig & David will adjust objectdraw
and your code examples to work against the portable API.

unfortunately, what this means is that you should avoid
committing to the fine details of the look of the web interface,
and the graphics API (stuff below objectdraw) for another
month or so.


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