[Grace-core] Minutes of teleconference 26-27.06.2014

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Jun 26 16:01:28 PDT 2014

who's doing what 
 * Tim's merging in objectdraw and the newer web IDE
 * Femi's adding file handling to the IDE
 * Clément's translating benchmarks
 * Kim's emailling Eelco (James too) 
 * James will look (briefly) at language resources on the blog for tests beginning next week

language questions
 * what should outer do? (see notes added to spec)
 * blocks accepting fewer arguments than they receive (issue) 

other news:
 * VUW postdoc has now been advertised - (great link) see here: https://v12hr.vuw.ac.nz/v12vuw/WK8127$APP.draw_attachments?P_VACANCY_REF_NO=136&P_CALLER_URL=WK8127ZZDOLLARZZAPP.QueryListZZQMARKZZZ_ORDER_BY=1 
 * VUW PhD scholarship is on the way


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