[Grace-core] minutes of teleconference 22-23.05.2014

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu May 22 14:53:15 PDT 2014

 * talked to Charlie about actors
      - he will implement something based on copies

 * talked about primitives, how to handle them - unresolved

 * talked about error messages, suggester... 

 * need to talk about coordination
     - Kim's student Olu _Femi_ starts at 27 May
     - Clement Tournillon starts 2 June
     - Tim starts 16 jun

* need to fix things for collaborators
     - where should the source be?
     - what's the workflow?  how do we coordinate work? 
     - how do we do issue-tracking
     - who can code check in? reviews?
     - what's the build toolchain?
     - build server, test servers etc
     - test suite, 
           including regressions

 * next meeting - 4-6pm Portland time Wed 28;  11am-1pm Thurs 29th 


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