[Grace-core] typeof/decltype/getType as alternaties to generic methods?

Marco Servetto marco.servetto at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 21:47:13 PST 2014

I have some problem to understand this typeof issue.
to have a map method, why do not just do the following:

class Map[Src,Dest]:{

List[Dest] apply(List[Src] arg ) ((function Src->dest) f): {
  List[Dest] result=List[Dest].empty()
  return result
Map[int, string](myList) [ x-> format(i)]

On 19 November 2014 18:11, James Noble <kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz> wrote:
> Hi all
> continuing some thoughts on generic methods, particular Marco's question
> (do we need them?) and discussions with Tim about other ways to get some
> of the same effects.
> Kim mentioned the "map" method.  In Java8, we have
> class Stream<T> {
>  <R> Stream<R>  map(Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper)
>  //...
> }
> in square bracket Grace, without generic<> methods,  we could write this something like:
> class Stream[T].new {
>   method map(mapper :  type { apply(T) -> Object) -> Stream[Object]
> }
> (alternatively we could replace Object with Unknown for more dynamicity)
> The problem is that we need to talk about the return type of the block,
> which would be captured automatically by the Java generic method type parameter <R>.
> I wonder if we can use some variant of a "typeof" (or "decltype") operator
> that returns the type of an expression. We'd have to write a mouthful like
> class Stream[T].new {
>   method map(mapper :  type { apply(T) -> Object) } )
>       -> Stream[ typeof(mapper.apply(_)) ]
> with the intention that this means the return type of the method is
> a stream of elements of the type returned by that apply method.
> The catch seems to be to define the "right" semantics for typeof.
> There are two obvious semantics:
>  - the declared type (C++'s decltype) that would return "Object"
>  - the dynamic type (roughly C#s e.GetType) --- although that's closer to Smalltalks "class"  really
>       but of course it wouldn't make much sense to put this in a type declaration!
> I fear what we'd want is rather more subtle / twisted semantics for typeof
>  - statically inside the method: the declared type
>  - dynamically inside the method: the dynamic type?
>  - statically outside, in the caller's context: the static type of the expression with types bound.
> So e.g. were I to write something like
> def inputStream : Stream[Number]  = ...
> def outputStream = inputStream.map { each : Number -> each.asString }
> then outputStream will be statically declared as a Stream[String]
>  (each has type Number,  Number.asString -> String,  so we infer the type of the block as
>      type { apply( _ :Number) -> String) }
> we can pass this to map because  type { apply( _ :Number) -> String) <: type { apply(Number) -> Object) } )
> but (in the requesting context) we statically compute the return type of map as Stream(Number)
> because "typeof(mapper.apply(_))"  is String.
> I hope this doesn't have the full power of wildcards, but I don't know for sure, of course.
> I also hope this (along with Grace's type system without variance annotations) would be sound,
> but we don't quite know that either (and Jonathan Aldrich suggested in places it may not be)
> james
> footnote:
> in Grace with generic<> methods, the example is:
> class Stream.new<T> {
>   method map<R>(mapper :  type { apply(T) -> Object) -> Stream[R]
> }
> but if we write
> def inputStream : Stream<Number>  = ...
> def outputStream = inputStream.map { each : Number -> each.asString }
> then outputStream will be a Stream<Unknown> because the <R> method argument defaults to Unknown.
> to get the desired result, we'd have to write
> def outputStream = inputStream.map<String> { each : Number -> each.asString }
> but even then, the result of the block inside map isn't statically checked to be String.
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