[Grace-core] Fwd: Decision for SNAPL 31: Teaching with Grace (Abstract)

Kim Bruce kim at cs.pomona.edu
Fri Feb 20 08:56:16 PST 2015

We are in to SNAPL (recall it is a short position paper, so the time will likely be quite short).


> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: February 20, 2015 at 8:53:52 AM PST
> From: SNAPL 2015 <snapl2015 at easychair.org>
> To: Kim Bruce <kim at cs.pomona.edu>
> Subject: Decision for SNAPL 31: Teaching with Grace (Abstract)
> Dear Kim,
> Thank you for your submission to SNAPL. I am pleased to inform you that we have accepted your submission. Congratulations!
> At this point we are still working on designing the program for SNAPL. We have also had extensive discussion within the PC about formats that would make the event interesting and lively and not just another traditional conference. In particular, we plan to pair many of the accepted papers with discussion sessions around their broader theme, with participation from other experts in the area. Time would then be allocated to the entire session.
> As a result, we have not yet determined a speaking time for your paper. We will need a few weeks to work out a proper schedule. Once that is in place, we will notify you of your precise time. What we can guarantee for now is that you definitely will get some individual time on-stage to give a talk, accompanied by what will hopefully be a robust discussion about the broader sub-area.
> We thank you for your patience as we work out these details.
> In the meanwhile, please be sure to move towards finalizing your paper. Recall that you have more space to flesh out the final version, especially in response to comments. We will soon send you some formatting guidelines you will need to follow.
> Thank you again for your submission to SNAPL. We look forward to meeting you in Asilomar!
> Greg Morrisett and Shriram Krishnamurthi

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