[Grace-core] Minutes of Teleconference 15-16.06.2015
James Noble
kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Jun 15 17:10:33 PDT 2015
talked about what people are doing
- Andrew has people working on web interface
- and wants to do more refactoring on mg
Tom (here) is doing alioth benchmarks, hopefully along with Alexander Campbell
noted that Grace benchmarks are here: https://github.com/gracelang/benchmarks
Andrew ran simple set benchmark - set of 16K numbers + test membership + non membership.
really, really, slow.
* * * * *
Tried to talk about dotted classes. Didn’t finally get anywhere. Again.
preferences: dotted classes: Kim, Michael?
nondotted classes: Andrew, James
tim: both
other discussions
assuming “class” meant “factory method” (i.e. classes lost their dots)
- Kim DOES NOT want people to have to write out object { class new … {} }
- Kim DOES want people to invoke var.new(blah)
- look at chapter6 “ProgrammingWithGrace"
James will again try to look at chapter 6 to see if there are ways of using modules to address Kim’s concerns. Or not.
* * * * *
Next week:
Multiple Inheritance
- current proposal is to allow multiple inherits statements, inherits x as y to name super-objects; y.x for directed resend.
- details and discussion here: - https://mailhost.cecs.pdx.edu/pipermail/grace-core/2015-March/001858.html
- Wellington people will talk and there may be an updated proposal
* next topic for discussion: dotted classes revenant?
* next topic for discussion: Generic syntax
- current status: “<" “>" (explicitly) without spaces.
- potential proposals?
- shallow option - just switch to “[“ “]” - loses “[ ]” for other things (indexing, matchfix)
- deep option - do generics with indexing operator
- (generalised request option) - do generics with option “type” parameter
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