[Grace-core] Special Issue in JOT on New OO Languages (final call)

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Apr 7 19:50:19 PDT 2016

From: Alex Potanin <Alex.Potanin at ecs.vuw.ac.nz>
Subject: Special Issue in JOT on New OO Languages (final call)
Date: 8 April 2016 10:15:12 am NZST
To: James Noble <kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz>


This is a final call for articles for a special issue of The Journal of Object Technology on New Object-Oriented Languages:


Please forward this to any interested parties or lists as this is an open call for papers with a deadline coming soon:

1st of May 2016.

The submission link is:


The is an open call that includes some of the papers presented at NOOL 2015 but also any new submissions. The NOOL 2015 CfP is included below for your information.


NOOL-15 is a new unsponsored workshop to bring together users and implementors of new(ish) object oriented systems. Through presentations, and panel discussions, as well as demonstrations, and video and audiotapes, NOOL-15 will provide a forum for sharing experience and knowledge among experts and novices alike. We invite technical papers, case studies, and surveys in the following areas:

Theory: Including core definition of object oriented programming, semantic models and methodology.

Languages: New object oriented languages, extensions to conventional languages, and existing languages.

Implementation: Including architectural support, compilation and interpretation, and special techniques.

Tools and Environments: Including livecoding, user interfaces, utilities and operating system support.

Applications: Commercial, educational, and scientific applications that exploit object oriented programming.

Related Work: The object oriented paradigm in other fields such as databases and operating systems.

Video and audio submissions must not run longer than 5 minutes. Videotape submissions must be on 3/4-inch U-Matic format tape. Audio submissions must be on compact cassette.

NOOL-15 is a curated workshop. Interested presenters are invited to submit proposal (1 page 2 column 10pt ACM SIGPLAN format) to the chair of the organising committee either by emailing a PDF to alex at ecs.vuw.ac.nz or posting 5 hard copy versions that arrive no later than 1 September 2015; proposals will not be reviewed, but the committee will aim to produce a programme we think will result in an interesting workshop. NOOL-15 will not have a formal proceedings, however if there is interest, presenters may have the option of expanding on their presentation to appear in a post-conference technical report.

Small Print:

No correspondence will be entered into regarding unsuccessful proposals.

Any relationship between the NOOL-15 workshop CFP and the OOPSLA-86 conference CFP is purely intentional. - https://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/co/1986/01/01663031.pdf

NOOL logo remixes content original supplied by Wikipedia User:GRAHAMUK under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.

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