[Grace-core] Grace specification for comments - and workshop at ECOOP

James Noble kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Fri Apr 15 03:42:41 PDT 2016

Dear Grace Supporters

At long last, the Grace project team is delighted to announce that we
have released the Grace Language Specification Draft Version 0.7.0 for
public comment. 

This specification is still very much a draft. We expect the
specification itself, and the langauge described by the specification,
to continue to change. Indeed, we hope that this evolution will be
driven by the comments on this and subsequent drafts.

You can help a variety of ways:

 * Reading the specification and sending comments back to us (there's
   an email list a grace-spec at ecs.vuw.ac.nz, although sending it to
   anyone on the team is fine).

 * If you've the time and inclination to engage more, you can sign up
   to that list and contribute to the discussion.

 * If you've more time, you could try one of the implementations on
   the web or downloading --- although these are all prototypes and do
   not (yet) conform to the whole specification: that's why we're
   mostly interested in comments on the specification at this stage.
 * If you've more time, and a progrmmaing language or IDE tool, we
   think this specification is now stable and complete enough that you
   could try to implement it. 

Finally, we have organised a workshop at ECOOP in Rome to discuss
Grace's design, hear people's experiences (including with other
languages that are related to Grace) and to plan the next steps. 

See http://2016.ecoop.org/track/GRACE-2016

We are accepting proposals for presentations from now until
Tuesday 5 July.  If you're interested, drop us an email. 


James and Kim and Andrew

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